Sunday, March 30, 2014


It's been a rough month. Cole's brother Zack died from a severe asthma attack, Page has been sick, and Cole has had some work challenges. We are so sad about Zack and are hoping April is a better month for our family.

Page started the month with an antibiotic for an ear infection. She refers to the antibiotic as "nasty medicine" and was not very cooperative in taking it. I actually bought out the dollar store to reward her for her efforts by letting her pick a prize after each dose. Part way through the antibiotic, Page ended up in urgent care with high fevers that would not respond to meds. She was a trooper and diagnosed with herpangina, a coxsackie virus. It was a nasty virus and lasted about 8 days. Page also has a scratch/rash between her eyebrows that we can't seem to get rid of. We saw Dr. Valenzuela and got an antibiotic cream, but I'm not sure if it's working. Page is now ending the month with what seems to be a nasty cold. We are hoping it clears up soon and she is healthy for a while!

Despite this month's unfortunate events, we are all decorated for Easter, Page has been practicing on her potty chair, and we told Page about the twins! Page gets a sticker for practicing on the potty and would get a prize if she actually used it. She's a little nervous to use the potty and after receiving prizes for taking "nasty medicine," she has decided she doesn't like prizes! We will keep on trying :) Page enjoys reading her big sister books but doesn't really understand. Maybe as my belly gets bigger it will make more sense! She did get to see her first ultrasound this month ;) Page will be staying at home next time though, she had no interest!

Page's verbal and social skills continue to develop, she loves to climb and go down slides, has become a Disney movie fan, likes to be silly when people are sad or mad to make them happy, has become great friends with Aunt Casey and Uncle Kyle, and is doing great at church...she even sings along ;)

In addition to the many walks and park visits, Page had a visit with Grandma Beth and Grandpa Russ, dinner with mommy's family to celebrate Grandpa Kenny, a BBQ at G/G Marion and G/G Warren's house, a play date with JJ at Tumbleweed Park, lots of time with daddy's family, a play date at JJ's house without mommy and daddy (a first), and a trip to the zoo with Grammy! It's been a while since we have been to the zoo and Page was so excited to find all of her favorite animals :)

Here are a few pics from this month...

The big sister ;)

Page with Uncle Kyle

We are watching this little caterpillar grow into a butterfly!
Such a cool activity, Page has the best teacher!!

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