Wednesday, March 30, 2011

22 Weeks

Today we had our 22 week appointment. Dr. Linnerson had to leave for a delivery, so we saw Amber the nurse practitioner. Everything looks good & Page's heart beat was 150bpm! This week I am feeling Page move more throughout the day & the movements are getting stronger. I love to feel her move around! Our baby girl is getting bigger by the day & so is my belly. Page is about 11 inches long & weights about 1 pound. Our next appointment will be in 4 weeks. More belly pics coming soon :)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

It's a Girl!

We had our 20 week ultrasound Tuesday afternoon. Both of our mom's joined us. We're excited to announce we're having a baby girl! We can't wait to meet Page Nicole in July!!

The meaning behind the name...
Page is named after a small town in northern Arizona located on the southern shores of Lake Powell. Lake Powell is an extraordinary place & the setting of many special memories with my dad. Most trips to Lake Powell take place in the summer & include lots of time in the sun. With a due date in the heat of the summer, this name seems very fitting. The middle name, Nicole, is a derivative of Cole. As many of you know, Cole has been thinking of names since he was a little boy (all of which have Cole within the name). Luckily, we were able to agree on a "Cole" name!

Page has grown so much since the the 12 week ultrasound. All of her organs are developing as they should be. We are so blessed! Our baby girl gave us a big yawn, did some yoga for us, & kept covering her pretty little face. It was so fun to watch!

A couple ultrasound pics...

It's a girl! I thought we were having a boy, but wasn't too confident with my prediction. So many people said we were having a girl! I heard a lot of theories...I am carrying low, the baby's heartbeat is fast, & most interesting the nub theory. My friend Mindy watched the 12 week ultrasound & was 100% sure we're having a girl. She based her prediction on the nub theory. I asked the ultrasound tech about the theory & she had done a study. The study included 150 babies & the predictions were 93% accurate. Pretty good odds! Cole wouldn't give a prediction until right before the ultrasound. He wrote his prediction on a post-it note on the drive over. Guess what?! He was right! I'm so happy we found out the sex. It was a great surprise, we get to call our baby girl by her name, & when she is born the focus won't be on the sex.

What a great profile picture! Notice all the development that has taken place!! Let us know if you would like to watch the ultrasound...

Our next OB appointment is at 22 weeks. We'll be sure to keep the updates coming!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

We're Half Way There!

Today marks the half way point! It's hard to imagine our baby will be here in 20 weeks! My belly has grown a lot over the last few weeks & people are starting to realize I'm pregnant. I am really enjoying this part of my pregnancy. I love feeling the baby move around, feel well, & have more energy. We will have our 20 week ultrasound on Tuesday. We are very excited to see how much the baby has grown & to find out what we are having!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

18 Week Appointment

We had our 18 week appointment today. The baby's heart beat was 170bpm. If you were wondering, the normal range is 120-180bpm. I did better with the weight gain this month & my urine sample was clear. Everything seems to be going great. The ultrasound won't be until the 15th. Dr. Linnerson wants to wait one more week to make sure we get good anatomy pics. Our next OB appointment will be at 22 weeks.

I'm really starting to show this week & I have started to feel the baby move. I wasn't sure what I was feeling at first. It is such a strange sensation, but really amazing at the same time. What a wonderful adventure this is!