Sunday, April 27, 2014

Pregnancy Update

Here is my 16 week belly pic. I had an extra visit with Dr. Linnerson at 15 weeks. I had quite a bit of pressure all weekend which I never felt with Page. Fortunately, my exam went well. He explained that with a second/twin pregnancy, the babies are lower so I will feel more pressure this pregnancy. I did end up having a bladder infection (with no symptoms) that was likely contributing. I was treated with antibiotics for GBS and will now need antibiotics when I deliver. I have been trying to take it easy and not lift Page as I only notice the pressure in the evenings if I have been on my feet all day. I also have some acid reflux that is to be expected during pregnancy ;)

I am 17.5 weeks now. Saw Dr. Linnerson this past week and did some routine blood work to test for spina bifida. Everything looks good. I will have my next ultrasound Thursday, May 15th and we are excited to find out if we are having boys, girls, or both! Crib #2 and dresser #2 arrived this week. We are trying to get things prepared as soon as we can since bed rest is very common with twins. Exciting times at the Hickman house!